SDS section 3 contents

CAS numbers (chemicals) will print in section 3 and section 8 of your SDS based on the following criteria:

·       Settings under menu option (415) ISO-16 (SDS) Template Maintenance.  The <Hazmat Filter> tab determines which CAS records are reportable.  Most companies only have the top “Uses on SDS Flag” box checked.



·       Check your CAS records to make sure that they are set to report on the SDS.  These are entered under menu option (25) Hazmat File Maintenance.  Depending which boxes you had checked in the previous step will determine what settings are needed in order to be reportable




·       After the above criteria are met, CAS numbers (Chemicals) that are 1% or greater in the formula will be included in section 3 and section 8.  If they are carcinogens they will be included if they are 0.1% or greater.