Processing Batch & Fill Tickets (combined method)
Prepare your database with the necessary files:
1. Enter Raw Materials under (10) Raw Material Maintenance
2. Enter Formulas under (20) Formulation Maintenance (enter QC specs here as well)
3. Enter Packaging under (49) packaging Material Maintenance
4. Enter Bills of Materials (BOM) under (50) Cost Analysis/ Bill of Materials
5. If you have the inventory module, enter your inventory (with lots if you are lot tracking)
6. Optional: If you will be entering lot variants, set up the data files for lot variants (see separate procedure)
7. Optional: Enter Customer Specific QC under (62) Customer Maintenance
8. Optional: set auto numbering under (910) Company and Options set-up
Enter your combination batch ticket / fill ticket
1. Run (130) Cut Production
Tickets. Click on the <New> Button to start a new
2. If you have auto-numbering set under your company setup, the Batch Ticket Code will automatically fill in. If you do not have it set, enter a code.
3. Enter the Formula code of the bulk formula you wish to make
4. Click on the <New> button for Fill Tickets
5. Fill out the fill
ticket information: The code will auto fill if you
have this set under your company setup. Select the BOM
you will be making (note: only BOMs associated with the formula code
you selected are available). Enter in the quantity and
start date. Optional: check off the box to commit inventory
and enter the customer Spec. Click
either <Create> or <Create+Print>
6. Optional: Set the batch ticket size to scale based on the fill ticket.
7. Optional: enter project, customer, start date and/or commit inventory. If desired check off the box to convert all ingredients to a specified unit of measure
8. Select the batch ticket
type to print. Note: If a customized batch ticket
was designed for your company, this is where you will select the custom
9. Click <Create+Print> at the top of the window.
10. Optional: Run menu option (140) Material Requirements Planning to see your inventory requirements
· If your company deals with intermediates, cut a separate batch for each intermediate in addition to the “top level” formula.
· If your company deals with multi-level BOMs, cut separate fill tickets for the top level BOM